Student Council

In the Autumn Term we held our annual election for our School Council Representatives allowing our children to experience democracy first hand. This year, it was a closely fought contest in every class. The children were asked to prepare a short election speech and then completed a secret ballot. The children were really creative and impressed the staff with their passion for our school community. We have a great School Council this year!

Y1: Wilfred and Olivia
Y2: Erin and Isabel
Year 3: Eniola and Ivy
Year 4: Ted and George
Year 5: William and Pippa
Year 6: Alex and Delilah

School Councillors 23-24.JPG


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Todwick Primary School

Kiveton Lane, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1HJ

Mrs Alice Deeley: Headteacher

Mrs E Perry: Deputy Headteacher

Miss L Hawksworth: Assistant Headteacher

01909 771138[email protected]

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